The Old Man Who Cried Wolf
4.06 ★★★★★ ★★★★★ 共有113个评分

The Old Man Who Cried Wolf (1970)

0 (US) 剧情,电视电影 English 73m
Walter Grauman Edward G. Robinson,Martin Balsam,Diane Baker,Ruth Roman,Percy Rodriguez,Sam Jaffe,Ed Asner,Martin E. Brooks,Paul Picerni,Robert Yuro,William Elliott,James A. Watson, Jr,Naomi Stevens,Virginia Christine,Jay C. Flippen,Jason Wingreen,Pepe Brown


Emile Pulska is visiting his old friend Abe Stillman. During the visit they are attacked and Emile is struck senseless. When he wakes up he is told that Abe is dead, dead by natural causes, the doctors tell him. When Emile insists that they were attacked, his relatives try to give him psychiatric help. Emile decides to try to find the killers himself, but someone is watching his every step...

Edward G. Robinson

Emile Pulska

Martin Balsam

Stanley Pulska

Diane Baker

Peggy Pulska

Percy Rodriguez

Frank Jones

Sam Jaffe

Abe Stillman

Ed Asner

Dr. Morheim

Martin E. Brooks

Hudson F. Ewing

Paul Picerni

Det. Green

Robert Yuro

Det. Seroly

Naomi Stevens

Mrs. Raspili

Virginia Christine

Miss Cummings

Jay C. Flippen

The Old Man Who Cried Wolf评分
★★★★★ ★★★★★
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