★★★★★ ★★★★★ 暂无评分

絲桐傳奇 (2024)

0 (CN) 纪录,音乐 普通话 87m
Qiyuan Lu


Having existed for over two thousand years, the Guqin is one of China's most original string instruments. In the year 2019, the 82-year-old Guqin master, Wong Duo, reluctantly performed in his hometown of Suzhou, where his lifelong dedication to the revival of traditional silk string style has made him a minority among the predominant steel string players. To support him, Li Guo, Wong's youngest disciple whose playing strongly echoes that of her master's, invited Wong to give a truly authentic Guqin concert in the modern cosmopolitan of Shenzhen, in order to reach a larger and more diverse audience.

★★★★★ ★★★★★
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