Mac Beth
3.26 ★★★★★ ★★★★★ 共有553个评分

Mac Beth (2022)

0 (US) en 91m
Erica Schmidt Sharlene Cruz,Isabelle Fuhrman,Sophie Kelly-Hedrick,Izabel Mar,Ismenia Mendes,AnnaSophia Robb,Lily Santiago,Ayana Workman


On an autumn afternoon, in an empty lot outside the city, seven girls meet up to do a play. School uniform tartan transforms in this American urban wasteland. The girls are witches, ghosts, and kings. They hurl headlong into the unchecked passions of Macbeth—in Shakespeare’s original text—as the line between real life and blood fantasy quickly blurs. Through prophecies and smartphones, unexpected resonances emerge from Shakespeare’s dark nightmare of ambition gone awry. These young women discover what's done cannot be undone.

Mac Beth评分
★★★★★ ★★★★★
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