Doctor Who: The Space Museum
2.43 ★★★★★ ★★★★★ 共有158个评分

Doctor Who: The Space Museum (1965)

0 (GB) 科幻,剧情,冒险 English 100m
Mervyn Pinfield William Hartnell,Jacqueline Hill,William Russell,Maureen O'Brien,Peter Sanders,Peter Craze,Bill Starkey,Richard Shaw,Jeremy Bulloch,Salvin Stewart,Peter Diamond,Lawrence Dean,Ken Norris,Ivor Salter,Michael Gordon,Edward Granville,David Wolliscroft,Billy Cornelius,Peter Hawkins,Murphy Grumbar


On the planet Xeros, the TARDIS crew discover their own future selves frozen in time as exhibits in a galactic museum and must avert this potential future.

William Hartnell

The Doctor

Jacqueline Hill

Barbara Wright

William Russell

Ian Chesterton

Bill Starkey

Third Xeron / Xeron

Salvin Stewart

Morok Messenger / Morok Guard

Peter Diamond

Morok Technician / Morok Guard

Lawrence Dean

Morok Guard

Ken Norris

Morok Guard

Ivor Salter

Morok Commander

Billy Cornelius

Morok Guard

Peter Hawkins

Dalek (voice)
Doctor Who: The Space Museum评分
★★★★★ ★★★★★
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