Man from Frisco
3.57 ★★★★★ ★★★★★ 共有300个评分

Man from Frisco (1944)

NR (US) 剧情,爱情 English 91m
Robert Florey Michael O'Shea,Anne Shirley,Gene Lockhart,Dan Duryea,Stephanie Bachelor,Ray Walker,Tommy Bond,Robert Warwick,Ann Shoemaker,Olin Howland,Minerva Urecal


Matt Braddock is a civil engineer during World War II who has new ideas for shipbuilding. Braddock tries to establish yards for building prefabricated ships on the West Coast, but he is hindered by the former superintendent of the shipyard, Joel Kennedy. A disappointed lover fails to deliver an important message on welds and it leads to the collapse of a new ship's superstructure and the death of a boy.

Michael O'Shea

Matt Braddock

Anne Shirley

Diana Kennedy

Gene Lockhart

Joel Kennedy

Dan Duryea

Jim Benson

Stephanie Bachelor

Ruth Warnecke

Ray Walker

Johnny Rogers

Tommy Bond

Russ Kennedy

Robert Warwick

Bruce McRae

Ann Shoemaker

Martha Kennedy

Olin Howland

Eben Whelock

Minerva Urecal

Mrs. Allison
Man from Frisco评分
★★★★★ ★★★★★
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