Chinatown Connection
3.61 ★★★★★ ★★★★★ 共有528个评分

Chinatown Connection (1990)

0 (US) 动作,犯罪 English 90m
Jean-Paul Ouellette Lee Majors II,Pat McCormick,Fritz Houston,Art Camacho,William Ghent,Robert Chen Deer,Brinke Stevens,Paul Gunning,Henry Yu Yang


The plot concentrates around John (Bruce Ly), a policeman who reforms violent police officers by teaching them martial arts, and a trigger happy cop, Houston, played by Majors. Predictably enough, the two are paired together and they set out to find the person responsible for selling cyanide laced cocaine.

Chinatown Connection评分
★★★★★ ★★★★★
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