The Cookout 2
3.14 ★★★★★ ★★★★★ 共有682个评分

The Cookout 2 (2011)

0 (US) 喜剧 en 00:00
Lance Rivera Quran Pender,Charlie Murphy,Wendy Williams,Mike Tyson,Vivica A. Fox,Jay Pharoah,Frankie Faison,Big Boi,Fat Joe,The Lady of Rage,Faizon Love,Rick Ross,Ja Rule,Ambre Anderson,Denee Busby,Jalen Rose,Michael Kenneth Williams,Esther Ku


Basketball coach Ashmokeem kidnaps and blackmails the opposite team's player and his family in order to secure the championship for his team.

Charlie Murphy

Coach Ashmokeem

Quran Pender

Todd Anderson

Mike Tyson

Fat Burger Griller

Vivica A. Fox

Hot Female Messenger

Jay Pharoah

Eddie O

Frankie Faison

JoJo Anderson

Big Boi


Fat Joe


The Lady of Rage

Officer Watkins

Faizon Love

David Turner

Ja Rule

Bling Bling
The Cookout 2评分
★★★★★ ★★★★★
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