New Wine
2.41 ★★★★★ ★★★★★ 共有2个评分

New Wine (1941)

NR (US) 剧情 English 87m
Reinhold Schünzel Alan Curtis,Ilona Massey,Billy Gilbert,Binnie Barnes,Sig Arno,Barnett Parker,Albert Bassermann,Kenneth Farrell,Ann Stewart,Gilbert Emery,George O'Hanlon,Forrest Tucker,Maynard Holmes,Marion Martin,Paul Sutton,Sterling Holloway,John Qualen,Richard Carle,Harry Hayden,Ernö Verebes


The romantic story of Franz Schubert 's fight for recognition of his music. The 1941 Reinhold Schunzel biographical musical composer melodrama.

Alan Curtis

Franz Schubert

Binnie Barnes

Countess Marie Duvarre

Sig Arno

Maestro Frascini

Barnett Parker

The Duke

Albert Bassermann

Ludwig van Beethoven

Kenneth Farrell

The Young Man at Carnegie Hall

Ann Stewart

The Young Woman at Carnegie Hall

Gilbert Emery

The School Principal

Paul Sutton

The Farm Foreman

Sterling Holloway

Otto - Bookkeeper

John Qualen

Hasslinger's Clerk

Richard Carle

Karl Hasslinger

Harry Hayden

Box-Office Clerk at Carnegie Hall

Ernö Verebes

Karl (uncredited)
New Wine评分
★★★★★ ★★★★★
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