The Great Dan Patch
4.16 ★★★★★ ★★★★★ 共有235个评分

The Great Dan Patch (1949)

NR (US) 冒险,剧情,爱情 English 94m
Joseph M. Newman Dennis O'Keefe,Gail Russell,Ruth Warrick,Charlotte Greenwood,Henry Hull,John Hoyt,Arthur Hunnicutt,Clarence Muse,Harry Lauter,Highland Dale


David Palmer, a young chemist, returns to his father's Indiana farm, to marry a local school teacher, Ruth Treadwell. David meets again his father's horse-trainer, Ben Lathrop, whose daughter, Cissy, has left high school to help her father. Palmer marries and becomes wealthy through an invention, and is able to indulge his socially-ambitious wife. His father dies and Palmer returns to Indiana, where his interest in harness-racing is rekindled, as is his interest in Cissy Lathrop.

Dennis O'Keefe

David Palmer

Gail Russell

Cissy Lathrop

Ruth Warrick

Ruth Treadwell

Henry Hull

Dan Palmer

John Hoyt

Ben Lathrop

Arthur Hunnicutt

Chet Williams

Harry Lauter

Bud Ransome

Highland Dale

Dan Patch
The Great Dan Patch评分
★★★★★ ★★★★★
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