2.33 ★★★★★ ★★★★★ 共有2个评分

Blackout (1988)

R (US) 剧情,恐怖 English 87m
Doug Adams Gail O'Grady,Carol Lynley,Michael Keys Hall,Joseph Gian,Deena Freeman,Joanna Miles,Scott Lincoln


A young girl returns to her hometown in search of her father, gradually her childhood memories returns; a childhood with incest and violence.

Gail O'Grady

Caroline Boyle

Carol Lynley

Esther Boyle

Michael Keys Hall

Alan Boyle

Joseph Gian

Luke Erikson

Deena Freeman

Angela Carpenter

Joanna Miles

Eleanor Carpenter

Scott Lincoln

Richard Boyle
★★★★★ ★★★★★
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