Trail of the Yukon
4.22 ★★★★★ ★★★★★ 共有4个评分

Trail of the Yukon (1949)

0 (US) 冒险,爱情,西部 English 67m
William Beaudine Kirby Grant,Suzanne Dalbert,Iris Adrian,Bill Edwards,Dan Seymour,William Forrest,Anthony Warde,Maynard Holmes,Peter Mamakos,Guy Beach,Stanley Andrews,Dick Elliott,Jay Silverheels,Chinook


When the local Banker jumps the Blaine's claim, they have men rob the bank to retrieve their money. When the men try to double-cross the Blains, a gunfight erupts and Jim Blaine gets away with the money. Mountie Bob McDonald gets Jim Blaine to return the money. Bob thinks the Banker was really behind the robbery and now uses the money to try and lure him into a trap.

Kirby Grant

Bob McDonald - Royal NW Mounted

Suzanne Dalbert

Marie Laroux

Bill Edwards

Jim Blaine

Dan Seymour

Tom Laroux

Anthony Warde

Muskeg Joe

Maynard Holmes

Henchman Buck

Peter Mamakos

Henchman Rand

Guy Beach

Matt Blaine

Dick Elliott

Editor Sullivan


Trail of the Yukon评分
★★★★★ ★★★★★
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