2.55 ★★★★★ ★★★★★ 共有810个评分

Framed (2002)

0 (CA) 动作,犯罪,剧情,惊悚,电视电影 English 91m
Daniel Petrie Jr. Rob Lowe,Sam Neill,Alicia Coppola,Peter MacNeill,Dorian Harewood,Janet Wright,Stewart Bick,Scott Gibson,Kandyse McClure,Kim Bourne,Ernie Foort,Deborah Grover,Wayne Nicklas,Howard Rosenstein,Darren Ross,Tony Devon


New York detective Mike Santini is enjoying a holiday with his family when he spots Eddie Meyers a fugitive from justice who might be the key witness in a high profile case involving money laundering. Santini plays a major role in capturing Meyers which prompts the wiley criminal to request Santini to be the interrogating officer. The two size each other up in the interrogation room in a thriller that provides a number of unexpected twists.

Rob Lowe

Mike Santini

Sam Neill

Eddie Meyers

Alicia Coppola

Lucy Santini

Peter MacNeill

Capt. MacNamara

Dorian Harewood

George Adams

Janet Wright

Joan Thomas

Stewart Bick

Daniel Cole

Scott Gibson

Steve Harris

Kandyse McClure

as Kandyse Mcclure

Kim Bourne

Suzanna Ford

Deborah Grover

Mrs. Ashton

Wayne Nicklas

Preston Drai

Howard Rosenstein

Eddie's Lawyer

Darren Ross


Tony Devon

Mark Harris
★★★★★ ★★★★★
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