3.88 ★★★★★ ★★★★★ 共有499个评分

The Entertainer (1976)

0 (US) 电视电影,剧情 English 105m
Donald Wrye Jack Lemmon,Ray Bolger,Sada Thompson,Tyne Daly,Michael Cristofer,Annette O'Toole,Mitchell Ryan,Allyn Ann McLerie,Dick O'Neill


A vaudeville entertainer approaches middle age still not having attained success or stardom.

Jack Lemmon

Archie Rice

Ray Bolger

Billy Rice

Sada Thompson

Phoebe Rice

Michael Cristofer

Frank Rice


Bambi Pasko

Mitchell Ryan

Mr. Pasko

Allyn Ann McLerie

Mrs. Pasko
The Entertainer评分
★★★★★ ★★★★★
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