3.63 ★★★★★ ★★★★★ 共有812个评分

奔放的女神 (1958)

0 (US) 动画 English 55m The Unchained Goddess
Richard Carlson,William T. Hurtz Frank Baxter,Richard Carlson,Mel Blanc,Hans Conried,Jay Novello,Franklin Pangborn,Lurene Tuttle


A scientist and a writer explain the various meteorological phenomena to Meteora, the goddess of weather, while giving an insight into the technology involved in predicting them and warning about the threat of global climate change.

Frank Baxter


Richard Carlson

The Writer

Mel Blanc

Hail / Rain (voice)

Hans Conried

Apothecary (voice)

Jay Novello

Professor Curious / Windy (voice)

Franklin Pangborn

the Cloud Painter (voice)

Lurene Tuttle

Meteora the Goddess of Weather
★★★★★ ★★★★★
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